69 West End Lane

The proposed development at 69 West End Lane has been refused for the following reason:
The proposed development, by reason its excessive bulk, height and scale
and its close proximity to the public highway, would appear as an overly dominant, incongruous and conspicuous addition to the streetscene to the detriment of the character of the area, and would therefore fail to accord with policies 7.4.B and 7.6.B of The London Plan 2011, policy CS1.B of The Harrow Core Strategy 2012, saved policy D4 of the Harrow Unitary Development Plan 2004, policy DM1 of the emerging Harrow Development Management Policies Plan 2013, and the adopted Supplementary Planning Document: Residential Design Guide 2010.

No doubt the applicants will now appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.



A registered nurse, together witha retired doctor, is setting up a group to
improve people’s medical wellbeing via meditation.  They are non-profit making
and intend to gain charitable status.
They meet weekly on Fridays from 7.30 to 9pm in the St John’s Ambulance Hall, The Car Park, Pinner Road,
N Harrow, HA2 7AT.
For further inforation please contact Toni at [email protected]
or TEXT/PHONE 07990742974.