Christmas Tree Switch On.

The Mayor of Harrow, Cllr Ghazanfar Ali, will be at the top of Pinner High Street at 4.45pm on Thursday 25th November to officially turn on the lights on the Pinner street Christmas trees. The Pinner Association will be providing both of Christmas trees, at the top of the High Street and at the top of Bridge Street, again this year and we are very grateful that the Mayor will be coming to turn on their lights in a short ceremony which anyone in Pinner is very welcome to attend.

There is no “Panto Evening” being held in Pinner this year, so there will be no entertainments, attractions or other stalls in either the High Street or Bridge Street on the evening of the 25th November.

Can You Help?

Alice our roving reporter who gathers the information for Talking Shops is effectively in lock down at the moment.  We need a new person, or people, to find out what is going on in our local shops and businesses for The Villager magazine.

What does it involve?

Visiting the local independent retailers and finding out what they are doing now and their plans for the future.  Taking a couple of photo’s with their permission and writing some copy for the magazine.

There are mainly three locations that need to be covered.

  • Cannon Lane / Whittington Way
  • Central Pinner
  • Pinner Green

Are you able to help with any of these areas?

Interested?   Email:

Thank you


New parking restrictions proposed – Cuckoo Hill

We wish to inform you that the London Borough of Harrow is undertaking statutory consultation on proposals to introduce Waiting and Loading restrictions in various streets within the borough.

The proposals were advertised in the Harrow Times on Thursday 18 November 2021, and should be advertised in the London Gazette on the same date.

Copies of the proposed Traffic Order, Notice of Intent and plans are attached or can be viewed on the Traffic Order page of the Harrow Council website at or in Greenhill Library, Perceval Square, College Road, Harrow, HA1 1GX between the hours of 10am and 6pm Monday to Saturday.

Should you have any questions relating to this scheme please contact the Transportation Team at

Kind regards

Fiona Moreira
Principal Traffic Order Maker
Commissioning & Commercial Services | Community Directorate

21-26 notice of intentions
21-26 LSPP Plans

Happy Diwali.

The eagled eyed amongst you might have noticed on the 2 November that the festive lights were on in Pinner. If you are wondering why!

We thought this year it would be good idea to have then up and switched on for the start of Diwali.

May we wish you a Happy Diwali.

The lights are planned to stay up until the 5 January 2022.

Wreath Laying by Mayor of Harrow at the Dove of Peace War Memorial, Peace Garden, Pinner Memorial Park.

On Wednesday 27th October 2021 the Mayor of Harrow, Cllr Ghazanfar Ali, laid a poppy wreath at the Dove of Peace War Memorial in the Peace Garden in Pinner Memorial Park in memory of all those who have fallen serving their country or as a result of conflict.

The Dove of Peace was designed in 1995 by pupils of Nower Hill School for the Peace Garden which was created in that year to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of WWII.  It is an officially registered war memorial:

The Peace Garden is an area for quiet contemplation within Pinner Memorial Park, which itself was purchased for the community by public subscription as an enduring war memorial and amenity for Pinner at the end of WWII.