Donation to The Centre of ADHD and Autism Support.

Last month, we had an email from someone about a post on a Facebook group about the festive lights still being on and that it was causing distress to a vulnerable person.

We were able to make direct contact with the family to ascertain the issue.  We liaised with Harrow Council Street Lighting team to ensure that the festive lights would be switched off by 29 January at the latest.

The extremely grateful resident has made a donation of £250 on behalf of the Pinner Association to The Centre of ADHD and Autism Support as a gesture of their gratitude for our help and co-operation.

If you wish to know more about work carried out at  visit their website

COVID-19 Vaccine Scam Emails

Dear Watch Member,

Please read the attached document warning about COVID-19 vaccine scam emails currently in circulation.

Download Associated Documents
Documents accompanying this message are linked below. Click to download and open a file which use the popular PDF format. If you experience problems downloading or viewing a file please visit this help page.

If you need to reply regarding this message, tap on this email address:

Lee O’Brien
Pinner Safer Neighbourhood Team

Series of Linked Burglaries in Pinner

Dear Watch Member,

On Monday 18th January, between 5pm – 6pm, a series of four linked burglaries were committed; two attempted burglaries in Cannonbury Avenue and one burglary in East Towers and West Towers respectively.

Numerous burglaries involving the same modus operandi have recently occurred across the Hillingdon area.

The lone suspect uses a ladder, bin or drainpipe to access flat roofs before gaining entry to properties via a first-floor window.

Valuables such as jewellery and expensive designer items are typically stolen.

It is important to prevent access to your garden from every side, and ensure that ladders, bins and other items are secured away from your property, so they cannot be used to climb on.

Consider affixing perimeter edging or carpet gripper to the edge of flat surfaces, and apply anti-climb paint to drainpipes.

Ensure windows in unoccupied rooms are closed and locked, and do not leave valuables within sight or reach of windows and doors.

This link provides advice on further measures you can take to make your home safe.

You can also help build a safer street by encouraging your neighbours to sign up to OWL free at

Please remain vigilant and if you believe a crime is in progress, please call the emergency 999 number.

For matters that do not require immediate police attendance, please contact the non-emergency 101 number.

If you need to reply regarding this message, tap on this email address:

Lee O’Brien
Pinner Safer Neighbourhood Team

Name Waxwell Lane Car Park Development – Results

The votes are in…..

The favourite name was Pinn Mews (29 Votes) followed by Langham Mews (24 Votes)

Some of the other suggestions were

  • Car Parky McCarpark /Parky McParkface  – 8 votes
  • Waxwell Mews – unfortunately now days you can’t have a new development with a similar name to the road that is it’s access point
  • Oddfellows Mews/Court/Close
  • Wheelbarrow Close
  • Mewsy McMewsface
  • Money in Harrow Councils mews!
  • I Guess That’s Why They Call It the Mews







COVID Vaccine Scam Advice

Dear Watch Member,

Our colleagues from the NHS have issued the following advice relating to COVID vaccine scams.

Remember the NHS will NEVER ask for:

  • Payment – all vaccines are FREE
  • Your bank details
  • Arrive unannounced at your home to administer the vaccine
  • Ask you to prove your identity by sending copies of personal documents

COVID vaccine scam guidelines (647 KB)

Please share this information with your friends and neighbours, or encourage them to join OWL, so they can receive information like this straight to their inbox.

If you need to reply regarding this message, tap on this email address:

Lee O’Brien
Pinner Safer Neighbourhood Team

All your Covid questions answered!

Harrow Council LogoHarrow Council are holding another COVID Webimar.


Want to know more about the coronavirus figures here in Harrow? Wondering when you’re likely to get the vaccine?

Have all your Covid questions answered at our next Covid Community Webinar on Tuesday 19 January, 6.30-7.30pm.

There will be presentations from Director of Public Health Carole Furlong and Chair of NHS Harrow CCG Dr Genevieve Small, as well as updates from CEO Sean Harriss and Leader Cllr Graham Henson. Please click here to join the Zoom webinar next Tuesday, or dial in on 0208 080 6592  (webinar ID: 984 9179 7343, passcode: 781109). Read more

Message from The Hive COVID Vaccination Centre

Dear Watch Member,

Message from The Hive COVID Vaccination Centre- Barnet Football Ground.

Staff/volunteers at location ask people not to just turn up without an appointment but to wait until they are invited.

Staff are currently only vaccinating over 80 year olds.

The site is being inundated with people turning up hoping there are spare vaccines left at the end of the day.

The site has strict criteria on who they can offer a vaccine to and at the moment they can only vaccinate over 80 year olds and healthcare professionals, again with an appointment.


Please respect these rules.

If you need to reply regarding this message, tap on this email address:

Lennie Charalambous
Senior Office Assistant

Help Name the Waxwell Lane Car Park Development.

Harrow Council are looking for your input.  The Pinner Association have provided them with a list of possible names but there may be others that are much more suitable.  If you are interested at the local/reasoning behind the names – click on the document below (Rational behind the names). Please submit your options by 20 January. Thank you

Rational behind the names.

Harrow Council is looking for your input. Please select your prefered options.
Fields marked with an * are required
Proposed Names *