Harrow Police Social Media Accounts

Harrow Police Social MediaDear Watch Member,

Harrow Police have just relaunched their Facebook page, where along with their Instagram and X (formerly Twitter) accounts, you can keep informed about the activities and operations officers are conducting across Harrow in their efforts to make the borough a safer place.

Please do follow them on any (or all) of these social media platforms, especially if you are part of a community group they can help to promote.

At a more local level, if you use X, you can follow us at @MPSPinner and / or @MPSPinnerSouth respectively.

If you need to reply regarding this message, tap on this email address: [email protected]

Lee O’Brien
Pinner Safer Neighbourhood Team
Email: [email protected]


Polling Cards For 4 July 2024.

Are you wondering where your polling card is for Ruislip, Northwood & Pinner Constituency?

I have spoken to Hillingdon Council and informed of the following.

“There has been an issue in printing the cards for Pinner (& Hatch End). These should be delivered to our area within the next 24 – 48 hours.”

If you don’t get your polling card – you can still vote.

Concerts in the Park – Volunteers needed 2024

We are looking for volunteers to help with our annual band concerts.

If you are able to help please complete the form below.  Thank you

The concerts may not take place if there are severe weather warnings.


Midsummer’s D’lights

The Mayor of Harrow, Cllr Salim Chowdhury and local councillors , with Chair John Hinkley and committee member David Lewis.
The Mayor of Harrow, Cllr Salim Chowdhury and local councillors visit The Pinner Association’s stall

Last night Pinner Business Club held their first ever “midsummers d’lights” event on Bridge Street.

Well done to all of the organising team that made this happened.  It was great to see so many people turn out and support the event.

The Mayor of Harrow, Cllr Salim Chowdhury opened the event and then visited the many sponsors and stall holders.

We were delighted that he stopped by our stall to visit our new Chair, John Hinkley.

Midsummer D’Lights Community Event – Friday 21st June 2024

Pinner Business Club - Midsummer D'lights

Dear Watch Member,

This Friday, 21st June between 5pm – 9pm, a new community event is taking place in Pinner. Organised and presented by Pinner Business Club, Midsummer D’Lights is an evening street party event being held to promote independent businesses in Bridge Street, Pinner.

Whilst watching and listening to the live music and dance acts performing throughout the evening, you can enjoy locally made food and drink available from the many food stalls and cafes staying open until late in the evening.

Please come down to show your support to local businesses whilst enjoying the atmosphere and festivities on what will be a beautifully warm summer’s evening.

You will also have the opportunity to chat to officers from the respective Pinner and Pinner South Safer Neighbourhood Teams about any local concerns you may have regarding anti-social behaviour and crime in the area. The Pinner Association will also be there so do pop along to chat to them.

For more details and a programme of the event, please see the attached document.


Protect Yourself from Holiday Fraud

Dear Watch Member,

This year hasn’t brought us the best weather so far. So you can’t be blamed for wanting to escape to somewhere warmer. And finding a bargain makes booking a holiday even sweeter.

Unfortunately, criminals want to sell you fake holidays. They’ll use genuine selling sites and social media to advertise. They create fake ads to trick you into sharing your details or sending money. From a caravan on the coast, to an all-inclusive trip abroad, they’ll try to trick you no matter where you want to go. But you can make a few checks to reduce your risk of getting scammed.

  • Carry out thorough checks before you pay. Look at reviews online. Research any privately advertised holidays carefully. Check that any travel agents or tour operators you’re dealing with belong to a reputable trade association.
  • Is there an alternative payment method? Where you can, pay using a debit or credit card. This could offer more protection if you need to dispute the goods or services.
  • Consider if you’re willing to take the risk. If you can’t be sure it’s genuine, think about whether you can afford to lose the money.

For straightforward impartial advice to protect yourself from becoming a victim of fraud, please visit the Take Five website.

If you need to reply regarding this message, tap on this email address: [email protected]

Lee O’Brien
Pinner Safer Neighbourhood Team
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 020 8721 2775

Objection to installation of “temporary vehicle access” on the bend in Cuckoo Hill to allow access for the development of a part of the Tesco car park.

Objection submitted to Harrow Council Planning by The Pinner Association: 

Planning Application reference: PL/1276/24

Tesco, 1 Ash Hill Drive, Pinner, Harrow, HA5 2AG

Details pursuant to condition 5 (Construction Logistics Plan) attached to planning permission P/0719/22 allowed on appeal reference APP/M5450/W/23/3314704 dated 05/12/2023 for redevelopment to provide three storey building comprising 7 X 2 bed units and 1 X 1 bed unit; proposed vehicle access via supermarket to rear; parking; landscaping; bin and cycle stores; amenity space.


The Pinner Association has the following objection relating to this, and other “Approval of Details Reserved by Condition” compliance applications, for this proposed development.

A new dropped curb has been constructed on the bend in Cuckoo Hill where there is a granted on appeal to the Planning Inspectorate permission to construct flats in a portion of the Tesco car park at Pinner Green – appeal reference: APP/M5450/W/23/3314704.

There have recently been published on the Harrow Planning Portal several applications (references PL/0944/24, PL/1005/24 and PL/0970/24) from the developers to cover some of the conditions applied to this planning consent.   One of these shows that a “temporary access” from Cuckoo Hill is to be used during the construction of the development.

A “Construction Logistics Plan” application has now been published, Harrow Planning reference PL/1276/24, on the Harrow Planning Portal as was required as a condition of the grant of the appeal:

“21. The condition requiring a Detailed Construction Logistics Plan (DCLP) is necessary to mitigate risks to highway safety and impacts on neighbouring occupiers during construction. It is a pre-commencement condition because mitigation needs to be agreed before any works on site take place.”

This “Construction Logistics Plan” application Has made make it clear that during construction access to the site is proposed to be on the inside of the bend on Cuckoo Hill Road – see section 5 of the applicant’s “Construction and Logistics Plan” section 1.   This states that:

“Vehicular Site Access:

5.4: As mentioned in Paragraph 2.21, a temporary access will be established on Cuckoo Hill (at the northeastern corner of the site) for construction vehicles to enter and leave the site. This will avoid construction vehicles travelling through Ash Hill Drive and obstructing access to, from and within the Tesco Supermarket, which is expected to remain operational throughout the construction of the development.

5.5 Vehicles will drive into the site in forward gear and will then reverse out of the site onto Cuckoo Hill. As Cuckoo Hill will remain open throughout the works, construction vehicles will only be able to leave the site with the help of marshals who will temporarily hold traffic (using stop / go boards) on Cuckoo Hill (in both directions) and guide the vehicle out of the development.”

This would create a road safety hazard at the inside of a blind bend on a cambered incline which has been the site of many road traffic accidents in the past.  Cuckoo Hill is a busy route used by a steady stream of vehicles and stopping this traffic whilst a large vehicle was manoeuvred both in and out of the “temporary access” could result in severe congestion with a queue of vehicles affecting the exit on to Cuckoo Hill from roundabout at the junction with the A404 Rickmansworth Road.  The proposed use of the narrow section of Cuckoo Hill between the roundabout and the “temporary access”, where residents’ car parking effectively reduces the carriageway to one vehicle width, as the route for construction vehicles would again cause severe congestion and which block the roundabout exit and hence affect traffic flow on the A404 Rickmansworth Road .

During the consultation on the planning application for this development – reference P/0719/22 – the Pinner Association and many others objected to a vehicle access on the inside of the bend in Cuckoo Hill on the basis of road safety and as a result the applicants changed the proposed vehicular access to be via the Tesco car park and that is the basis upon which the application was allowed on appeal.

Even a “temporary access” on to Cuckoo Hill would create such a hazard to road safety that the other conditions compliance applications for this proposed development should be refused until a “Construction Logistics Plan” application which shows vehicular access to be via the Tesco car park during both construction and occupation of the new flats has been submitted and granted by Harrow Planning.

There would be a greater number of vehicle movements and by far bigger vehicles using the “temporary access” during construction that there would be during the occupation of the flats and therefore the potential road safety hazard of a vehicular access at that point would be even greater than that considered unacceptable when the planning application was modified to change the location of the vehicular access for the flats.

We are concerned that once the development is constructed the “temporary access” on to Cuckoo Hill could be become the de facto vehicular access for the new flats thus resulting in a permanent extreme hazard to road safety in Cuckoo Hill.

Contrary to the pre-commencement condition 21 of the allowed appeal:

“21. The condition requiring a Detailed Construction Logistics Plan (DCLP) is necessary to mitigate risks to highway safety and impacts on neighbouring occupiers during construction. It is a pre-commencement condition because mitigation needs to be agreed before any works on site take place.”

works have commenced on the site as the “temporary access” dropped curb on to Cuckoo Hill is already in place and the part of the Tesco car park to be used for this development has been fenced off.