Advertise In The Villager Magazine

The Villager is published 3 times a year and distributed to over 2000 households and businesses.

We currently have spaces for new adverts (excluding inside covers and back page). Are you looking for a cost-effective way to advertise your business/event?

Look no further

  • Guaranteed to hit 2,000 residential properties.
  • No delivery charges
  • It won’t be thrown in the bin as just another piece of junk mail!
  • Single issue advertisement option available on request for charities.

Our rates are more reasonable than you may think!

If you are interested in placing an advert in The Villager, the following rates apply for 3 issues:-

Advertising Rates

Whole Page £357
Half Page £186
Quarter Page £120
Whole Page(outside cover)* £450
Whole Page(inside cover)* £378
Half Page (inside cover)* £204
First insertion, additional charge for art work etc. At Cost
Alterations At Cost

*Currently not available

The Villager is an A5 size publication. Please send your enquiries regarding advertising to

You will also receive your own copy of The Villager Magazine.

Cut off dates for adverts are as follows:-

Published      Cut Off Month
March Mid-January
July Mid-May
November Mid-September