In case you are wondering, it’s not to take part in the wheelbarrow race but to help with stewarding! This is for 22 April.
For health and safety reasons, they need to have approximately 16 stewards for the Wheel Barrow Race and the Pinner Rotary Club can provide about 10 of these. So they need about 6 more for the duration of the race.
Basically all they need is to be able-bodied and to be available for 25 minutes from 2:30 to 3:15 pm. Plus you will get a great view of the race.
If you are able to help, contact
Steve Morrisby
Rotary Club of Pinner
Chair, RCoP Committee for St. George’s Day 2018 Event
t: 020 8866 9988
m: 07956 627827