Looking for a new way to get active? Why not try tennis at Pinner Lawn Tennis Club, located in the heart of Pinner?
The club welcomes new members of all ages and standards, so whether you’re a beginner, novice, or looking to change clubs, check out our website for more details. Free trial for new members.
Notice is hereby given under Rule 5 of the Pinner Association Constitution 2024 that the 92nd ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of THE PINNER ASSOCIATION (registered charity 262349) will be held at 8pm on Wednesday 16th April 2025 in the Pinner Village Hall, Chapel Lane, Pinner HA5 1AA.
The Agenda for the AGM will be:
Minutes of the 91st AGM held on 17th April 2024 (as published on pages 76 to 78 of The Villager
No. 259 – July 2024 edition)
Matters arising
Chairman’s Report
Treasurer’s Report and Accounts for the year ended 31st December 2024 (as published on pages 79 to 81 of The Villager No. 261 – March 2025 edition)
Election of Officers and Committee
Vote of thanks to and election of the Independent Examining Accountant for the current year
Any other business
The Association welcomes nominations for Officers and the Committee. These must be made in writing (a completed PDF form submitted via email or on paper), supported by a seconder, having obtained the permission of the proposed nominee, and sent to the Chairman or Secretary (email below and postal address on page 3) at least one week before the AGM.
Any Pinner Association member who may be willing to stand for election is urged to contact either the Chairman or Secretary via email – information@pinnerassociation.co.uk – to discuss how they may contribute to the work of the Association. Copies of the nomination forms for Officers and the Committee may be obtained via the same email address.
Our speaker will be Carole Furlong, the recently retired Director of Public Health for Harrow. If members have any questions on the topic of Public Health that they wish to be possibly addressed in her presentation, please submit them via email to information@pinnerassociation.co.uk by Monday 31st March 2025.
The Department for Transport (DfT) is conducting a national consultation, closing date 30 January 2025, to which Pinner Association members and other may wish to give individual responses (the tight deadline for responses makes it not feasible for the Association to collect and collate a combined response from our members).
The Department for Transport is developing a strategy which will set the high-level direction for how transport should be designed, built and operated in England over the next 10 years.
It will set out a single national vision which will put people who use transport and their needs at its heart and empower local leaders to deliver integrated transport solutions that meet the needs of their local communities.
To help us create the strategy, we are now asking people:
about their experience of transport in England
what we could do to make it better
We want to hear from:
people who use any form of transport, including cars, vans, motorbikes, mopeds, trains, underground, metro, trams, buses, minibuses, coaches, bikes, e-bikes, walking or wheeling
frontline transport workers – people who work in the transport industry
companies and organisations that operate in the transport sector
Responses to this call for ideas will be considered in the drafting of the Integrated National Transport Strategy.
Here is the link to the DfT webpage for the consultation documents and how to submit a response:
The Bike2Go that we helped fund – Photo courtesy of ‘Harrow Cycle Hub’
Way back in May, Harrow Cycle Hub approached us for a donation towards a new towards a specially adapted Fun2Go bike. We pledged £1000 towards the cost of the bike. After much fund-raising Harrow Cycle Hub reached their target and recently took delivery of the new side by side tandem that has been specially adapted.
Harrow Cycle Hub are a charity that run ‘Wheels for All’ sessions for people who would normally not be able to cycle or find two wheels hard. They run these sessions on Tuesday and Saturday mornings.
Yesterday our past Chair Julie went down to see it in action, naturally she couldn’t resist having a go. Julie took the opportunity to speak to some of the parents whose youngster attend these sessions. As well as getting them out exercising, being able to cycle on their own, has increased the confidence of the riders. For some of the youngsters, it’s something that they look forward to on a weekly basis.
Harrow Cycle Hub also runs ‘Learn to Ride’ and ‘Confidence Builder’ courses on two-wheelers, cycle maintenance courses, led rides and more. Sign up to their newsletter to keep in touch: