Roofing Scam – Neighbourly Advice

I was visited this morning by two unsavoury looking characters with a white van and brown uniforms calling themselves KC Roofing.
I was not at my most alert this morning as I had driven a long way home yesterday and was tired so I failed to take names or the van reg. no. However, having had a hour-and-a-half to think about it I think they were scammers.
The slim guy, both were in their forties to fifties, white British, knocked on my door, said his company were  working down the road and said I had loose roof tiles which I know to be true but could be easily observed from the roadway.
He said he had spoken to my wife before which my wife tells me is untrue. He insisted on giving me a quote and would call back.
Next I knew there was a knock on the door, slim guy was back and said, “go into my garden and his mate will show me the roof problem”. To my amazement big guy was on my roof at the rear and showing me that I had a loose ridge tile. I then went to the front where he showed other damage.
Thin guy then said £240 and we’ll start now. I said I’ll think about it I have your contact details”. He then cut the price to £180. I said no, I’ll think about it. They then left in a white Ford Transit van with KC roofing on the side.

I believe it to be a scam. I googled them and could not find them nor are they VAT registered.
I am also worried they are using the roof idea to find ways in. I have heard of intruders accessing properties via the roof.
I hope they won’t bother my wife and I again but they may con their way in to other people in Stanmore.


Their card which has nothing unique on it has a landline for Slough/Windsor – 01 753 652277 and a mobile 074 3790 3477.
My wife rang the land-line and it was answered by a cockney sounding woman. She answered “Hello”. No reference to a business name.

Car Theft Warning

Police Message

Beware criminals are putting paper on the back window of your vehicle,  you get in the car start up & than see the paper, the natural thing to do is to jump out & remove it.
This is where the criminal jumps into you car, off he/she goes or if you have left your valuables  in the car, they are gone while your out of the car.

If you see any paper on your rear screen, LEAVE IT, DRIVE OFF & REMOVE LATER.

This crime has & is being used in your area, inform all.



Brown Bin and Food Waste collections scheme

Details of the new arrangements for waste disposal can be found on the web: :
In brief they are geared to penalise  anyone who has no composting/recycling system for disposing of garden refuse.

The intentions of the Council are:
Food and garden waste recycling
Food recycling
The following changes will be taking place:
You will receive new food waste bins, for your kitchen and outdoors, in September.


Summer Band Concerts

Despite appalling weather the first of the ‘Summer’ Band Concerts went ahead in front of West House on 26 July thanks to the dedicated band of Association stalwarts .  The Harrow Steel Band played most enthusiastically throughout the afternoon and the rather small crowd greatly enjoyed the performance.

Harrow Steel Band
Harrow Steel Band
Regular Supporters attended
Regular Supporters attended

In contrast with the previous week,  on 2 August we were blessed with perfect weather when we were entertained by the Fats Rollini Jazz & Blues Band.  A ‘swarm’  of  loyal supporters descended on the Memorial Park  and had a thoroughly enjoyable experience. Any umbrellas to be seen were to fend off the sun’s rays rather than the rain showers.

Fats Rollini Jazz & blues Band
Fats Rollini Jazz & blues Band


The sunny crowd
The sunny crowd




















The spell of fine weather continued into the third week when Grimsdyke Brass entertained the capacity crowd – we ran out of seats to hire.

Grimsdyke Sunday
Grimsdyke Sunday


The Grimsdyke Band
The Grimsdyke Band




The Season concluded with a scintillating performance by the Stardust Big Band which entertained the large crowd to a wide range of swing music.  The crowd demanded a return in 2016.

Capacity Crowd enjoying the Swing Music
Capacity Crowd enjoying the Swing Music









The Stardust Big Band
The Stardust Big Band

For the record the Pinner Association arranges all the Band Concerts and pays for the Bands, while the proceeds from bucket collections in the interval go to West House.
A total of nearly £2,000 was raised in aid of West House over the three recent week ends.

Paul Strickland Scanner Centre celebrates 30 years with visit from HRH The Duchess of Kent

A rare visit by HRH The Duchess of Kent made the 30th Anniversary celebration extra-special for patients and staff of Paul Strickland Scanner Centre. A local charity with its mission to provide vital, state-of-the-art scanning for the early diagnosis, monitoring and research of cancer and other life-limiting diseases, the Centre is based on the Mount Vernon Hospital site in Northwood.
Established by Dr Paul Strickland in 1985, the Centre marked this milestone with the launch of an Appeal to raise funds for a new CT scanner. During her welcome to guests, Claire Strickland, Chief Executive and daughter of the Centre’s founder, explained, “We do not receive any direct government funding, so we rely entirely on donations to fund our scanner replacement programme”. Ms Strickland continued “We have fantastic local support, however high-level scanners cost upwards of £1 million. This is why we desperately need continued support if we are to carry on giving our patients the very best diagnostic facilities. My father was incredibly proud of the Centre and its achievements and I can think of no better tribute to his work than to mark our 30th anniversary by funding a new CT scanner”.
Centre staff were joined on the day by supporters, sponsors, and special guests including the Mayor and Mayoress of Hillingdon, Cllrs George and Judith Cooper, our local Patron Wing Commander Edna Partridge and Bruce Houlder, Representative Deputy Lieutenant for the London Borough of Hillingdon.
Guests were treated to music by the Harrow Apollo Male Choir while they enjoyed canapés and refreshments on the lawn, before the arrival of HRH The Duchess of Kent. The Duchess was presented with flowers by Eve Melsome (aged 3½) and spoke with patients and their families before unveiling a commemorative plaque. She commented, “I was honoured and grateful – on the 30th June 2015 – to have the opportunity to meet patients and their families at the launch of the Scanner Centre ‘s 30th Anniversary Appeal.”
As she was touring the facilities, HRH The Duchess of Kent also noted, “I am overjoyed to see the development of this extraordinary place since my last visit and to witness personally the very high quality standard of care to all the patients that come there for treatment.”

HRH unveiling plaque
HRH unveiling plaque

For further information, please contact Caroline Wren on 01923 844290 or [email protected]
Please  note:
Paul Strickland Scanner Centre is an independent medical charity based at the Mount Vernon Hospital in Northwood, Greater London.

  • The Centre’s founder and Honorary Life President, Dr Paul Strickland OBE MB BS FRCR FRCP, was convinced that early scanning could save the lives of patients with cancer and other serious diseases.  He captured the imagination of the public and sufficient money was raised to obtain a CT scanner and an MRI scanner and the building to house them and in 1985 the Paul Strickland Scanner Centre opened its doors.
  • On average the Centre carries out more than 14,000 scans a year.  These scans provide clinicians with vital information which helps influence and monitor effectiveness of treatment.  In its 30 year history the charity has carried out more than 250,000 scans.
  • Anyone wishing to donate to the CT scanner appeal or take part in one of our fundraising events should contact the Appeals office on 01923 844290 or [email protected]


Pinner Association makes additional contribution to West House

The Pinner Association, the amenity society founded in 1932 with the aim to conserve and enhance Pinner village, have this week agreed to donate the sum of £5,000 to the matched funds fundraising appeal by the West House & Heath Robinson Museum Trust for the project to build a Heath Robinson Museum at West House in Pinner.
The Heath Robinson Museum collection will be displayed at the new museum to be built at West House, Pinner Memorial Park, Pinner, in north-west London, currently due to open in April 2016. The collection includes rare rough early sketches and advertising commissions by the artist, who is well known for his humorous drawings and illustrations.
Following agreed funding for the museum project by the Heritage Lottery Fund in December 2013 of £1.1 Million, a further £150,000 is still needed to meet the partnership-funding target.
Supporting the Heath Robinson Museum and ensuring that the amenities enhance life for all in Pinner is the key purpose for this donation. The Association is pleased that the plans for the new building include features such as the interactive educational room which will be an asset for the community of Pinner and the wider public.


William Heath Robinson moved in 1908 to the village of Pinner in what was then rural Middlesex. A blue plaque marks the house in Moss Lane where Heath Robinson lived. The new Museum will provide a permanent home for Heath Robinson’s work, thus giving residents of Pinner and the public the opportunity to explore one of the country’s best loved artists and take part in varied cultural and educational activities related to the collection. The Heath Robinson collection will be an important resource for pupils from local schools to visit to cover aspects of the National Curriculum.







Sunday 7th of June 2015

12:30 – 14:00 (tour starts at 13:00)

All are welcome!

Pinner Park Farm are having an open day to show some of what goes on at the farm and to focus on the stages of growth of cattle.

They hope to have one of their vets on hand to [ultrasound] scan one of the cows, something that is done regularly on the farm to ensure cows are safely back in calf, and then progress to showing the young calves, moving through to yearlings right through to a senior cow and Bull.

Some of the cattle on the farm are prize winning Aberdeen Angus and so the farmers hope to have a demonstration of show preparation where the cattle are washed and dried and prepared for showing.

Please go to the open day and see for yourself the great work that goes on there, meet the farmers and get close to the beautiful cows and calves that live happily on Pinner Park Farm.


Harrow Open Studios

Harrow Open Studios

Media Release – 29 May 2015

Harrow artists open their studios to the public from 6 June

The eighth annual Harrow Open Studios event will take place from Saturday 6th June to Monday 8th June, Saturday 13th June and Sunday 14th June 2015. Admission
to all studios is free.
Harrow Open Studios is an independent and diverse group of over 38 artists whose main focus, each year, is to invite the public to visit their homes and studios for an exhibition of their work. Visitors will be able to meet the artist, ask questions, purchase work or arrange a commission. 

West Drive, Harrow Weald will see six artists exhibiting their work in June. Five artists based at The Stables are Zalina Dewan (ceramicist), Gordon Cookson (wood turner), Morag vanGeyzel (jeweller) and two painters – Jenny Oliver and Christine Spring. Artwork is very suitable for unique gifts, reasonably priced, and there are greetings cards produced by several of the artists. Commissions are undertaken. At the other end of the road, Luke Teague is a young artist known for his portraits and landscapes.

Close to each other in North Harrow are marine and landscape artist Brian A. Collins and artist Dow Pichaiwatkomol, who took up art seriously after a bad accident eleven years ago. She paints animals, landscapes, flowers and figurative work, including life drawing. Also, Batool Shoghi, a multi-skilled mixed media artist working across photography and digital imagery as well as printing, painting and collage.


Three Northwood artists in the same family are showing together at Chester Road. Lucy Davies’ paintings include beautiful images of Cornwall and its distinctive flowers and scenery, Mary Pelham focuses on marine subjects for her paintings, while Harriet Pelham works with glass.

For details about artists and studio opening time download a brochure at
t:@HarrowOpStudios   f: Harrow Open Studios

Media contact:

Ellen Teague 020 8954 6255 / 07956 317 338