We are putting together information about our local retailers’ hours and other useful links on their website. What information would you like to see? (COVID-19 Local Amenities)

We are looking at the following:

• Special Shopping Hours for NHS works etc- supermarkets
• Other Retailers – Butchers, Bakers, Shops
• Medical
o Pinn Medical Centre
o Chemists
o Harrow Council Coronavirus updates

• Any other idea’s – your input required

Send us an email to  [email protected] with your ideas.

Thank you

Safe Use of Parks and Open Spaces – Covid-19 Advice and Restrictions

Safe Use of Parks and Open Spaces – Covid-19 – Statement from Harrow Parks Forum – 28th March 2020:

“It is very important for people’s mental and physical well-being that they should be able to get out and exercise if they possibly can,”

“Many, many people do not have access to private green space where they can do that.”

“That’s why parks and open spaces are so crucial.”

Boris Johnson

We are so lucky that at this stage most of our parks remain open while the parks in many European cities are closed, but if we want to keep them open, we have to follow the relevant rules. You’ve probably seen this link a hundred times – I make no apologies for posting it again.

On the day I write this enclosed sports courts in Harrow parks are being secured with chains and padlocks to prevent entry.

In the short term it is less easy to secure many childrens’ play areas – it’s easy to lift a child over a low fence into a playground….
But why would you?

The hazard tape round outdoor gyms is no barrier and it’s easy to tear off and use the equipment….
But why would you?

Besides the issue of not meeting in groups, laboratory tests show that the corona virus can last for several hours, even days, on hard surfaces. Outside laboratory conditions, outside in a park, that time is much shorter, but still potentially measured in hours….
Why would you take this risk?

Can I also ask, on behalf of all the Friends Groups, that you take all your own litter home with you. Harrow Council has asked that we suspend all litter picks, again to reduce the risk of infection and, as council staff are redeployed to other vital operations, the emptying of bins and collection of rubbish from parks will become less frequent.

Cutting of grass within the parks will also be reduced, maybe to zero – they will start to look a bit unkempt, but the benefit to the plants and animals will be incredible. Coupled with improvement in air quality due to reduced traffic, your walk in the park will turn into a mini safari – take pictures of what you discover and post them here – we’ve got a team of experts who can identify them for you.

We will be able to continue to use and enjoy this valuable resource as long as we stick by the rules – the probability is that further action will be taken if we do not. And that would be so sad.

Stay Safe

Ian Pearse
The Secretary   
Harrow Parks Forum

Information from Harrow Council on Support and Actions re Covid-19

MyHarrow COVID 19 Update: Leader’s message; Saving lives; Supporting the vulnerable

27 March 2020

A message from Graham Henson, Leader of Harrow Council


The Leader of Harrow Council wants to thank everyone on the frontline during these changed times – from the NHS workers and volunteers to those who keep our services going.

Cllr Graham Henson says our dedicated care workers deserve a special thank you as they continue to work round the clock to support those in need.

Meanwhile, a community hub phone line will soon be up and running to to allow Harrow’s most vulnerable to contact the council for support, he adds. Look out for details on the council website soon. Read Cllr Henson’s full statement

We’re all saving lives

simon ovens

We must all play a part in supporting the NHS as it deals with the coronavirus crisis, says Simon Ovens, the Queen’s Representative Deputy Lieutenant for Harrow.

‘As Her Majesty The Queen said, following the rules of staying home and keeping your distance from people is for everyone’s good and will save lives,’ adds Mr Ovens. Read his letter to the residents of Harrow.

For the latest health news and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19) please visit the NHS website or GOV.UK.

Extra support for those in need


Some 6,400 households in Harrow will benefit from a £150 discount to reduce their Council Tax.

The funding is given to everyone who gets Council Tax Support and is of working age. Find out more

See other funding measures available to the most in need in the community on the government website

Beware scams: Stay vigilant


Scams should be the last thing people have to worry about right now. But please be aware of:

  • People offering miracle cures or vaccines.
  • Strangers offering home cleaning services or payment upfront to do shopping or collect medication.
  • Emails for a tax refund or similar.
  • Mobile phone apps claiming to give virus updates.Don’t share personal details. Find out more at the National Crime Agency or  Friends Against Scams

Service closures to stop the spread

Empty swings

Playgrounds, outdoor gyms and sports courts in all our parks closed this week as we play our part in trying to stop the spread of the virus.

They followed the closures of Harrow Recycling Centre, Harrow Leisure Centre, Bannister Sports Centre and Hatch End Swimming Pool. We are trying to make sure essential services for vulnerable people remain accessible. See latest details about service disruptions.

Business: Self employed


Measures to help the self-employed and businesses were announced this week by the government.

The Covid-19 Self-employment Income Support Scheme allows you to claim a taxable grant worth 80% of your trading profits up to a maximum of £2,500 per month for the next 3 months. This may be extended. Read more

Retail, hospitality, leisure and childcare businesses also get a 12-month business rates holiday. Find out more

Volunteer to give a helping hand

Delivery X

Would you like to help vulnerable people in the borough get the support they need during these uncertain times?

You can donate money or join Harrow volunteers. Find out more You can also sign up to to become NHS Volunteer Responder to:

  • deliver medicines from pharmacies.
  • drive patients to appointments.
  • bring them home from hospital.
  • make calls to check on people isolating at home.

Northwick Park: A hospital to be proud of

Northwick Park Hospital

Seeing our nearest hospital on the news at the forefront of the NHS effort to save lives may be unsettling.

Rest assured, Northwick Park Hospital is part of a group of hospitals chosen to care for coronavirus patients.

It has experienced doctors, nurses and staff capable of dealing with this type of infectious disease, as well as special facilities to keep everyone safe. Read more


Volunteers Needed

Harrow Council Logo

Harrow Council are looking for volunteers to help during the current pandemic – Are you able to help? If so read on.



Dear Community Volunteer,

As the current situation develops I am writing to you to find out if you would be prepared to assist the council during this time.

We recognise that some of you would be prepared to assist us. We may ask for your help in a number of ways which could include –

  • Delivering information letters from the Council in your street
  • Providing your neighbours with details of where to go for help
  • Volunteering to deliver essential items to the vulnerable
  • Manning control centres

We recognise that some of you may not be able to assist due to being identified as at risk yourselves and would stress that we would not expect or ask that you undertake any activity that could indeed put yourself at risk.

If you are able to assist us with any of the above or if you have any suggestions of your own as to how you can help (sensible and realistic only please!) please let us know by registering on the volunteer signup link below –

Please pass this email on to any other people or organisations who may be interested in helping out in this moment of need.

Volunteers signup –

Please do not reply to this email if you would like to volunteer please use the link

 Kind regards

Senior Officer  – Community Engagement, Harrow Council

MOT Guidance


Vehicle owners will be granted a 6 month exemption from MOT testing, allowing them to continue to travel to work where this absolutely cannot be done from home, or to shop for necessities.

All cars, vans and motorcycles which would usually require an MOT test will be exempted from needing a test from 30 March 2020.

Vehicles must be kept in a roadworthy condition and garages will remain open for essential repair work.

If you can’t get an MOT that’s due, because you’re in self-isolation, the Department for Transport is working with insurers and the police to make sure people aren’t unfairly penalised for things out of their control.

Mot Guidance

Harrow Council Community Engagement Team Statement on Postponement of Events in Parks and Open Spaces

In line with government advice, the Community Engagement Team at Harrow Council has issued the following statement 22nd March 2020:

“Following the latest advice from government on Coronavirus, we have taken the decision to postpone all organised meetings, processions and events at our parks and public areas.

This includes festivals, parties, dog shows, religious gatherings, sports events etc.

The wellbeing of our residents is our highest priority, and I hope you will understand. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us by emailing [email protected]

We’ll keep everyone updated and look forward to resuming when the time is right. In the meantime please continue to follow the advice from Public Health England on social distancing, self-isolating and handwashing.“

Community Engagement Team