The planned closures of some libraries in Harrow was publicised in an article in the Harrow Times. Many local residents went to Pinner Library 9th December to a ‘Consultation’. The chief hatchet woman whose job is to close libraries was there.
The meeting was very well attended, including some pupils from West Lodge School with their teacher. Due to popular demand a proper meeting was held, rather than a one to one “drop in style” meeting. From Harrow Council two senior officers were present, Marianne Locke, Divisional Director for Community and Cultural, and Tim Bryan, Service Manager, Libraries, Sport and Leisure, but no elected representatives. Questions ranged from the reason for the need for Harrow Council to make such severe budget cuts and how the Council could save money on their own administration, to why Libraries were so important as centres for information and contact with the Council, and how much Libraries are valued by school pupils.
It was agreed that another meeting would be arranged at Pinner Library after Christmas, to held in the evening when a wider cross section of Library users may be able to attend, and that a senior elected representative from the Labour Party (in administration on Harrow Council) would be at that meeting to answer questions.