Dear Watch Member,
Please be aware of a scam involving fake banking apps.
Scammers are targeting people who are selling valuable electrical items via online selling platforms.
The vendors are contacted about their items and when the scammer arrives, they pay for the item(s) using a convincing banking app. The app mimics apps from a number of banks and appears to show the funds being transferred to the victim’s bank account.
This scam is catching a lot of people out as the app is very convincing. The scammer asks the victim to enter their bank details into the app and then it appears to show the amount being debited from the buyer’s account.
We urge anyone selling an item to be sceptical about accepting payment via a banking app. Payment by cash, credit card or using PayPal for Business is a more secure way of making a sale.
Please help us to raise awareness of this scam and prevent financial loss by alerting your friends and family.
If you believe that you are a victim of this scam please report online to or call 0300 123 2040.
Visit for advice on avoiding scams.
If you need to reply regarding this message, tap on this email address:
Lee O’Brien
Pinner Safer Neighbourhood Team