Dear Watch Member,
Autumn is well and truly here and after the clocks go back at 2am on Sunday 30th October, the dark early evenings will be here too.
Before then, this Monday sees the start of Diwali, during which many celebrants will be taking jewellery and other valuable items out of secure storage to wear in public places. After the festival of light, it’s Halloween and Bonfire Night respectively.
Therefore, there will be a fortnight of fireworks and families leaving their home to visit temples, go trick-or-treating or attend fireworks displays and social events. This provides increasing opportunities for criminals to commit burglary and use the noise of fireworks to mask forced entry into homes.
If a home is left unlit during hours of darkness, burglars know that a property is empty, so we are encouraging you to follow home security advice throughout the autumn and winter months.
We advise you to consider installing some of the affordable security devices which are currently available. There’s a variety of inexpensive security lights and wi-fi-enabled doorbell and interior cameras, fitted with motion sensors, which enable you to monitor your home remotely using your phone. These kinds of devices can be easily installed at minimal expense and have helped to deter burglaries and in some cases led to offenders being arrested.
You can make your home more secure by following the advice on the attached leaflet and going to
For those of you with family members who speak Punjabi or Hindi, you / they may find the attached leaflets useful.
Download Associated Documents
Documents accompanying this message are linked below. Click to download and open a file which use the popular PDF format. If you experience problems downloading or viewing a file please visit this help page.
- Punjabi Language Leaflet 2 (249 KB)
- Punjabi Language Leaflet (220 KB)
- Hindi Language Leaflet 2 (256 KB)
- Hindi Language Leaflet (225 KB)
- Diwali Leaflet (278 KB)
If you need to reply regarding this message, tap on this email address:
Lee O’Brien