We wish to inform you that the London Borough of Harrow is undertaking statutory consultation on proposals to introduce Waiting and Loading restrictions in various streets within the borough.
The proposals were advertised in the Harrow Times on Thursday 18 November 2021, and should be advertised in the London Gazette on the same date.
Copies of the proposed Traffic Order, Notice of Intent and plans are attached or can be viewed on the Traffic Order page of the Harrow Council website at www.harrow.gov.uk/trafficorders or in Greenhill Library, Perceval Square, College Road, Harrow, HA1 1GX between the hours of 10am and 6pm Monday to Saturday.
Should you have any questions relating to this scheme please contact the Transportation Team at transportation@harrow.gov.uk.
Kind regards
Fiona Moreira
Principal Traffic Order Maker
Commissioning & Commercial Services | Community Directorate