I know that most of you are aware that the annual Pinner Fair has fallen victim to the current restrictions. We have recieved emails about whether the fair will be allowed to return next year.
Below is what we have found out.
The Pinner Association was asked at the end of March by the Head of Service – Community Engagement, Harrow Council, about whether the Charter for Pinner Fair requires that a fair is held every year to continue being held in subsequent years. We consulted Pat Clarke, our renowned local historian, who replied:
“The allegation that that if the fair does not run for a year the Charter is cancelled, is an urban myth, but one of long standing. The fair was granted in perpetuity with no reservation about cancellation.”
As it would seem that the current restrictions to control the transmission of the Covid-19 virus will still be in force at the end of May, these forbid the erection of even a small stall in, say, Bridge Street Pinner, to represent “Pinner Fair”. However this would not result in the end of the Charter for the fair and Pinner Fair could take place in 2021.
I hope that this explains the situation and puts your mind at rest about the need to set up “something symbolic” on Pinner Fair day.
Regards, Ruth Boff.
Honorary Secretary, The Pinner Association.