Pinner Park Farm again

Report on Pinner Association Public Question to the Harrow Council Cabinet 17th July 2014.
The vice Chairman of the Association, Caroline Ennis had, as is required, sent in a written question prior to the LBH Cabinet meeting and this was an item on the agenda as follows:

Public Questions:
Questioner:   Caroline Ennis, The Pinner Association
Asked of:   Councillor Sue Anderson, Portfolio Holder for Community, Culture and Resident Engagement
“What evidence can you provide that demonstrates that you have followed the correct consultation procedure for the scoping and options with regard to the future planning and development of the Pinner Park Farm site?”
The reply from Cllr Anderson was that she thanked Caroline for the interest in Pinner Park Farm by Pinner residents and others.  The consultation being held was not a formal consultation and was just for people to give their views.
The questioner is allowed one follow up question, of which the respondent has no prior knowledge.  Caroline had prepared a question and asked:
“Can you explain how the council came to the conclusion that there needed to be a change of use from agricultural Green Belt Land to a Country Park; and in particular what evidence did you have, prior to commissioning a development proposal, that this is what the majority of Harrow residents’ wanted when there are many other options which have come to light for this land?”
Cllr Anderson replied the she was sure that other options would be considered, but that most of the work prior to the current consultation had been done by the previous administration and covered areas not a part of her Portfolio.  She asked whether the Pinner Association wished for a written reply?  Caroline said “Yes”.  Cllr David Perry, Leader of the Council, who was chairing the Cabinet meeting, added that the written reply would pursue the detail required to answer the questions.

Ruth Boff, Honorary Secretary, The Pinner Association.
18th July 2014.