QR Code Safety

This has come from the MP of Harrow East.

Experts have revealed a rise in scams of QR code since self-ordering in restaurant became the norm during the pandemic.
People may think they are ordering a round of drinks/food but could actually be giving away their debit card information to fraudsters.
According to NordVPN around 77% of Brits use QR codes – but 72% do not check before scanning them. The security giant reported that over 3 million people have been directed to untrustworthy websites after using the QR code.
Worryingly, 1 in 6 (16%) fell prey to fraudsters and had their data stolen.
Here are a few tips to help you stay safe from scams:

  1. When you do scan a QR code, take a good look at the website it led you to being particularly vigilant for any suspicious information.
  2. Use a secure scanner app which is designed to spot malicious links before your phone opens them. It is recommended to stick to the well-known security companies. Malicious QR scanning apps designed to scrape user information have made it into the app stores in the past.
  3. Use a password manager. As with all kinds of phishing, if a QR code takes you to an especially convincing fake website, use a password manager, however this is also not a fault proof system.