Dear Watch Member,
On Monday 18th January, between 5pm – 6pm, a series of four linked burglaries were committed; two attempted burglaries in Cannonbury Avenue and one burglary in East Towers and West Towers respectively.
Numerous burglaries involving the same modus operandi have recently occurred across the Hillingdon area.
The lone suspect uses a ladder, bin or drainpipe to access flat roofs before gaining entry to properties via a first-floor window.
Valuables such as jewellery and expensive designer items are typically stolen.
It is important to prevent access to your garden from every side, and ensure that ladders, bins and other items are secured away from your property, so they cannot be used to climb on.
Consider affixing perimeter edging or carpet gripper to the edge of flat surfaces, and apply anti-climb paint to drainpipes.
Ensure windows in unoccupied rooms are closed and locked, and do not leave valuables within sight or reach of windows and doors.
This link provides advice on further measures you can take to make your home safe.
You can also help build a safer street by encouraging your neighbours to sign up to OWL free at
Please remain vigilant and if you believe a crime is in progress, please call the emergency 999 number.
For matters that do not require immediate police attendance, please contact the non-emergency 101 number.
If you need to reply regarding this message, tap on this email address:
Lee O’Brien
Pinner Safer Neighbourhood Team