A huge Thank You all the volunteers who helped us to put on our 2021 season of Summer Band Concerts in Pinner Memorial Park on the last four Sundays. We carried on despite the weather and enjoyed four wonderful performances from the Harrow Steel Band, the Fats Rollini Jazz & Blues Band, the Stardust Big Band and today from Simply Gray. Our audiences obviously enjoyed these free open air concerts in the lovely surroundings of the park, as the generous donations to the West House and Heath Robinson Museum Trust charity who were collecting at the last two concerts demonstrated.
There is one person without whom none of the concerts would have happened – from obtaining the necessary permission from Harrow Council to use the park and booking all the bands to picking up litter, putting up and taking down the equipment, and litter picking before and after each concert, Julie Waller, Chair of the Pinner Association has been indefatigable and managed to keep smiling come rain or shine – so a special “Thank You” Julie from us all.