Walk and Talk for women and girls

Dear Watch Member,

As part of the violence against women and girls (VAWG) action plan we’re rolling the “Walk and Talk initiative” out across the Met.

“An important part of our approach is to invite women and girls to tell us what they think needs to change and to keep talking to us about what more we can do to improve their safety in London.

“We’ll update the VAWG action plan following a range of community engagement and discussions with partners over the coming months. We want communities to regularly see and get to know their local officers, so that they have trust and confidence in them, knowing they are there to protect them and keep them safe.”

How it works

The Walk and Talk initiative involves female officers buddying up with women from their communities to go out on patrol in open spaces so that they can hear first-hand their experiences, concerns and reflections. The aim of the walkabout is to start a conversation between the public and officers about their safety concerns and what police can do, working with partners, to address them.

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Kristina Dvorakova
Email: headstonesouth.snt@met.police.uk