Walk & Talk Litter Pick – Friday 16th February

Dear Watch Member,

This Friday, 16th February, in partnership with Harrow Litter Pickers and staff of Sainsbury’s, Pinner, we will be conducting a litter-pick and Violence Against Women and Girls Walk and Talk in Sainsbury’s car park.  1pm to 2:30pm.

This is a location where women tell us they feel anxious and unsafe, partly because of the car park’s neglected appearance.

Aside from the environmental, physical and mental health benefits of litter-picking, an event like this is a great opportunity to meet new like-minded people who share a passion for making Pinner and Harrow a cleaner and safer place for everyone.

If you want to participate, meet us outside the entrance of Sainsbury’s, or find us in the car park itself from 1pm onwards.

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Lee O’Brien
Pinner Safer Neighbourhood Team
Email: pinner.snt@met.police.uk
Tel: 020 8721 27