A planning application to redevelop the Waxwell Lane Car Park was published on 22nd December, just before the Christmas break. The proposal is for: “Redevelopment of Car Park to Provide 20 Three Storey Dwellinghouses (Use Class C3) (14 X 3 Bedroom Houses & 6 X 4 Bedroom Houses), Associated Car & Cycle Parking Refuse Storage, Landscaping & Replacement Boundary Treatment”. The plans show that there would be 20 parking spaces provided for the residents of the new houses, but there would be no public parking on the site.
The Pinner Ward councillors knew that this application was likely to be submitted very near to the “festive season” and managed to gain a concession from the Harrow Council Planning Services department such that 32 days will be allowed for public comment rather than the usual 21 days, due to the holiday period. This means the deadline for comments to be received will be 21st January.
Like many who live and / or work in Pinner, the Pinner Association Committee members hold a wide range of views on the merit or otherwise of the proposed development of the Waxwell Lane Car Park. Therefore, there will be no comment submitted by the “Pinner Association Committee” to this application. However, we do urge all those interested in the future of Pinner to submit their own, informed, comments. There have been several public “consultations” held on the plans for the car park over the past two years, and a “Residents’ Reference Group” has given their views on aspects of the development to the architects. To have the most impact, any comments should be based on the plans submitted and be on relevant “planning” grounds.
The full details of the submitted planning application planning application are:
Address: Waxwell Lane Car Park Waxwell Lane Pinner
Ward: Pinner
Agent Details
Agent Name: Az Urban Studio Limited
Agent Address: 136-148 Tooley Street London SE1 2TU
Application Case Description
Application Number: P/5680/17
Applicant Name: London Borough Of Harrow
Application: PLANNING
Date Registered: 21/12/2017
Application Type: Local Authority Regulation 3
Proposal Redevelopment Of Car Park To Provide 20 Three Storey Dwellinghouses (Use Class C3) (14 X 3 Bedroom Houses & 6 X 4 Bedroom Houses) Associated Car & Cycle Parking Refuse Storage Landscaping & Replacement Boundary Treatment
The full (and many and large) documents may be viewed, and on-line comments left, via this link to the Harrow Council Planning Search website:
and insert the reference number: P/5680/17 in the left-hand side search box.
Emailed comments may be sent to the Planning Officer via:
[email protected] and / or [email protected]